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Palworld Server

palworld logo

Version: 1.0.8 Type: application AppVersion: v0.26.0

Helm chart for the palworld-server Docker image, deploys a dedicated PalWorld server to your Kubernetes cluster!

This chart is not maintained by any upstream projects and any issues with the chart should be raised here

Source Code


This chart has no dependencies.

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name palworld

helm install palworld oci://


helm repo add USA-RedDragon
helm repo update
helm install palworld USA-RedDragon/palworld

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall the palworld deployment

helm uninstall palworld

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart including persistent volumes and deletes the release.


Read through the values.yaml file. It has several commented out suggested values.

Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install.

helm install palworld \
  --set env.TZ="America/New York" \

Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the above parameters can be provided while installing the chart.

helm install palworld USA-RedDragon/palworld -f values.yaml


Key Type Default Description
server.annotations object {}
server.config.annotations object {} bool true object {} string ""
server.config.daily_reboot.enable bool false
server.config.daily_reboot.role string "daily-reboot"
server.config.daily_reboot.serviceAccount string "daily-reboot"
server.config.daily_reboot.time string "30 9 * * *"
server.config.env object {"BACKUP_BEFORE_EXIT":"true","DISABLE_GENERATE_SETTINGS":"false","SHUTDOWN_WARN_SECONDS":"300"}
server.config.labels object {}
server.config.max_players int 16
server.config.multithreading bool true
server.config.port int 8211
server.config.public_ip string ""
server.config.public_port string ""
server.config.query_port int 27015
server.config.rcon.enable bool true
server.config.rcon.externalPassword object {}
server.config.rcon.password string ""
server.config.rcon.port int 25575
server.config.server_description string ""
server.config.server_name string ""
server.config.timezone string "UTC"
server.image.imagePullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
server.image.imagePullSecrets list []
server.image.repository string ""
server.image.tag string "main@sha256:f6a5b523c064abb9fa4eb377e04bda874c527e334061558336f63fa3bb2050d6"
server.labels object {}
server.lifecycle object {}
server.podSecurityContext.fsGroup int 1000
server.ports[0].containerPort int 8211
server.ports[0].name string "game"
server.ports[0].protocol string "UDP"
server.ports[1].containerPort int 27015
server.ports[1].name string "query"
server.ports[1].protocol string "UDP"
server.ports[2].containerPort int 25575
server.ports[2].name string "rcon"
server.ports[2].protocol string "TCP"
server.probes.liveness.exec.command[0] string "sh"
server.probes.liveness.exec.command[1] string "-c"
server.probes.liveness.exec.command[2] string "pgrep PalServer-Linux > /dev/null || exit 1"
server.probes.readiness.exec.command[0] string "sh"
server.probes.readiness.exec.command[1] string "-c"
server.probes.readiness.exec.command[2] string "rcon-cli Info | grep -q \"Welcome to Pal Server\""
server.resources.limits.cpu int 4
server.resources.limits.memory string "12Gi"
server.resources.requests.cpu int 4
server.resources.requests.memory string "8Gi"
server.securityContext.capabilities.drop[0] string "ALL"
server.securityContext.runAsNonRoot bool true
server.securityContext.runAsUser int 1000
server.service.annotations object {}
server.service.enabled bool true
server.service.healthz.enabled bool false string "healthz"
server.service.healthz.port int 80
server.service.healthz.protocol string "TCP"
server.service.healthz.targetPort int 80
server.service.labels object {}
server.service.ports[0].name string "game"
server.service.ports[0].port int 8211
server.service.ports[0].protocol string "UDP"
server.service.ports[0].targetPort int 8211
server.service.ports[1].name string "query"
server.service.ports[1].port int 27015
server.service.ports[1].protocol string "UDP"
server.service.ports[1].targetPort int 27015
server.service.ports[2].name string "rcon"
server.service.ports[2].port int 25575
server.service.ports[2].protocol string "TCP"
server.service.ports[2].targetPort int 25575
server.service.type string "ClusterIP" object {} list [] bool false string "" bool false string "1Gi" string ""
server.strategy string "Recreate"
server.terminationGracePeriodSeconds int 320

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs